Acción Rural Hispana featured on VICE News
José García y Miguel Ramírez de Oregon Rural Action aparecieron en VICE News sobre nuestro trabajo en Hermiston y nuestra misión de mantener a nuestra comunidad de habla hispana segura e informada en medio de COVID-19!
Oregon Rural Action's José Garcia and Miguel Ramirez were recently featured in a story by VICE News about our work in Hermiston and our mission to keep our Spanish speaking community safe and informed in the midst of COVID-19!
Ana Elisa on Familias en Acción's podcast: Alcance Sin Limites
Ana Elisa Wilson, de Hispanic Rural Action, fue invitada en el podcast de Familias en Acción, "Alcance Sin Limites".
Our own Ana Elisa Wilson was a guest on Portland based organization, Familias en Acción’s podcast, Alcance Sin Limites.
“En este episodio de Alcance Sin Limites, Ana Elisa Wilson, Organizadora Comunitaria, Promotora de Salud y Líder comunitaria nos comparte su experiencia trabajando en Rural Action Oregon. Ella nos da ejemplos de cómo la contaminación y el cambio climático impactan las vidas y la salud de las comunidades Latinas en el este de Oregon. Ana Elisa nos inspira a continuar informando, educando y abogar por nuestra comunidad.”
Alcance Sin Límites is a Spanish language podcast that explores how we can break through limits to take an active role in building a healthy, productive future for our families and communities. We listen to and rely on the hope and strength that has inspired Latinos for generations. - Familias en Acción
Acción Rural Hispana News Coverage
Oregon Rural Action and Acción Rural Hispana were recently featured in a story written by Monica Samayoa for OPB on April 9, 2019.
ORA Hispanic leaders in Umatilla and Morrow counties identified the need for more widely available and accessible information about COVID-19 pandemic among Spanish and indigenous-language communities living and working in rural Eastern Oregon. In response, ORA launched a communications strategy including a new weekly radio series called, Accíon Rural Hispana, on the radio show, La Voz Del Pueblo (The Voice of the People ).
Immigrant Farmworkers Face Unique Challenges As Coronavirus Continues To Spread
Listen to the story below:
COVID-19 Closes La Grande Community Garden
It is with a heavy heart that we announce that the La Grande Community Garden will not be opening this year.
Union County’s public health department, Center for Human Development, has advised that we take seriously the importance of Governor Kate Brown's Executive Order, Stay Home, Save Lives. Staying home except for essential trips is especially important in our rural communities where healthcare resources are limited, testing for COVID-19 is very limited, and new daily information from the CDC and OHA sheds more light on how highly contagious the virus is.
Keeping our community safe is our top priority and at this point and moving forward, staying home is the primary way we can contribute to slowing the spread of the virus.
Oregon Rural Action is pivoting and looking for ways to support our gardeners virtually and exploring virtual community organizing activities. We encourage you to keep growing at home and keep an eye out for further communication from our team at ORA.
Acción Rural Hispana Press Release
Oregon Rural Action Steps Up to Provide Critical COVID-19 Updates to Eastern Oregon Immigrant Communities
New weekly radio series seeks to keep local Spanish-speaking communities informed about the pandemic.
Hermiston, Oregon -- Sunday, March 29, 2020, local Latino leaders launched a live radio series called, Acción Rural Hispana, on the weekly radio show, La Voz Del Pueblo (The People’s Voice) broadcast on Radio La Ley 100.1 FM and other stations across rural northeastern Oregon.
The series is designed to disseminate potentially life-saving information about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to Eastern Oregon’s Spanish-speaking communities.
Hosted by José García, and in collaboration with Ana Elisa Wilson of Oregon Rural Action, La Voz Del Pueblo will weekly feature experts including public health, university, social service, and other community members, sharing vital information for Spanish-speaking residents.
Experts will address a variety of COVID-19 related issues including social distancing policies and practices, the impact on people with chronic health conditions, and assistance available (economic/wages, food, clothing, housing, and others). An open line will be offered for questions and answers. (Call-in number: 1-509-579-0101)
“My Anglo class was empty but the Hispanics all showed up last week as the Governor was announcing the state’s stay in place rules,” said José Garcia of Hermiston, Director of New Horizons Drug and Alcohol Program, the show’s host and a member of Oregon Rural Action.
“Last night, when I went to pick up food at a restaurant, there were families coming in from working in the fields. They didn’t know they couldn’t sit down to eat there,” Garcia said. “People working in the field get their information from the radio while they are working.”
Today’s guest Dr. Ileana María Ponce-González, MD, MPH, CNC, Executive Director of Community Health Worker Coalition for Migrants & Refugees will lead off the series by addressing COVID-19 prevention measures and what to do in case of symptoms.
The weekly show will be broadcast over 4 Latino-owned radio stations from Boardman to Walla Walla, including Radio La Ley 100.1 FM, La Reyna 99.5 FM, La Raza 106.9 FM and Éxitos 104.9 FM. Mobile access to the radio show is available by calling 641-741-1016.
The radio series, Acción Rural Hispana, is a part of a Spanish and indigenous-language communications strategy led by local Latino leaders of Oregon Rural Action to increase public awareness among Latino communities in Umatilla and Morrow counties through radio, television and social media. The communications strategy will incorporate information from federal, state and local public health departments and available Spanish communications resources, including Public Service Announcements recently developed by the National Association of Broadcasters.
La organización de Oregon Rural Action intensifica su trabajo en proporcionar la información actualizada acerca de la situación crítica de COVID-19 a las comunidades inmigrantes del este de Oregon.
Presentando una nueva nueva serie de radio semanal, que busca mantener informadas a las comunidades locales de habla hispana sobre la pandemia del coronavirus.
La organización de OREGON RURAL ACTION, toma acciones y se intensifica para proporcionar actualizaciones informativas críticas de COVID-19 a las comunidades de inmigrantes del este de Oregon, presentando una nueva serie de radio semanal, donde busca mantener informadas a las comunidades locales de habla hispana sobre la pandemia del coronavirus.
Hermiston, Oregon - El domingo 29 de marzo de 2020, los líderes latinos locales lanzaron una serie de radio en vivo llamada, Acción Rural Hispana, en el programa de radio semanal, La Voz del Pueblo (La Voz de la Ciudad) transmitido en Radio La Ley 100.1 FM y otras estaciones en el noreste rural de Oregon.
La serie está diseñada para difundir información potencialmente sobre recomendaciones de salud que ayudará a controlar la pandemia de COVID-19 en curso a las comunidades de habla hispana del este de Oregon.
Organizado por José García, y en colaboración con Ana Elisa Wilson de Oregon Rural Action, La Voz Del Pueblo presentará semanalmente expertos que incluyen salud pública, universidad, servicio social y otros miembros de la comunidad, compartiendo información vital para los residentes de habla hispana.
Los expertos abordarán una variedad de problemas relacionados con COVID-19, incluidas las políticas y prácticas de distanciamiento social, el impacto en las personas con afecciones crónicas de salud y la asistencia disponible (económica / salarial, alimentos, ropa, vivienda y otros). Se ofrecerá una línea abierta para preguntas y respuestas. (Número de llamada: 1-509-579-0101).
"Mi clase de anglo estaba vacía, pero todos los hispanos se presentaron la semana pasada cuando el gobernador anunciaba las reglas de permanencia en el estado", dijo José García de Hermiston, Director del Programa de Drogas y Alcohol de New Horizons, presentador del programa y miembro de Oregon Rural Action.
“Anoche, cuando fui a recoger comida a un restaurante, había familias que venían de trabajar en los campos. No sabían que no podían sentarse a comer allí ", dijo García. "Las personas que trabajan en el campo obtienen su información de la radio mientras trabajan".
La invitada de hoy, Dra. Ileana Maria Ponce-Gonzalez, MD, MPH, CNC, Directora Ejecutiva de Community Health Worker Coalition for Migrants & Refugees dirigirá la serie abordando las medidas de prevención de COVID-19 y qué hacer en caso de síntomas.
El programa semanal se transmitirá en 4 estaciones de radio de propiedad latina de Boardman a Walla Walla, incluidas Radio La Ley 100.1 FM, La Reyna 99.5 FM, La Raza 106.9 FM y Éxitos 104.9 FM. El acceso móvil al programa de radio está disponible llamando al 641-741-1016.
La serie de radio, Acción Rural Hispana, es parte de una estrategia de comunicación en español e indígena dirigida por los líderes latinos locales de Oregon Rural Action para aumentar la conciencia pública entre las comunidades latinas en los condados de Umatilla y Morrow a través de la radio, la televisión y las redes sociales.
La estrategia de comunicaciones incorporará información de los departamentos de salud pública federales, estatales y locales y los recursos de comunicaciones disponibles en español, incluidos los anuncios de servicio público desarrollados recientemente por la Asociación Nacional de Emisores.
ORA Online 2020 Elections
The 2020 elections for the ORA Board of Directors will be held online from March 19 - April 13, 2020; paper ballots are available on request.
The Nominating Committee is presenting a slate of 7 candidates including 2 current directors who are seeking another term: Cori Brewster (La Grande) and Devan Noblit (Pendleton). Candidates running for a 2 year first term include: Janet Marrs (Cove); Obdulia “Abby” (Umatilla); Jose Garcia (Hermiston); Miguel Angel Ramirez (Hermiston); Ana Maria Rodriguez (Boardman).
Together with the 2 current ORA Board Directors, Mitch Wolgamott and Norm Cimon whose terms end in 2021, the Nominating Committee believes these candidates will allow ORA to continue to build long-term sustainability through consistent leadership and greater representation from the diverse communities in Eastern Oregon.
If you have questions or would like to request a paper ballot, contact ORA by email at Paper ballots must be returned to ORA PO Box 1231 and postmarked by Friday, April 13, 2020. Election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting on April 18, 2020.
Oregon’s Stay at Home Order - ORA Elections and Annual Meeting Online
On March 23, 2020, Oregon Governor Kate Brown issued an executive order requiring people to stay at home and businesses and nonprofit organizations to facilitate telework where possible in order to slow the spread of COVID-19 and the negative impact on our health system.
In keeping with this order, the ORA physical office on Adams Ave. remains closed and staff are working remotely. On March 14, 2020, the ORA Board of Directors moved the 2020 elections and Annual Meeting scheduled for April 18, 2020 online. For more information, contact us by email @ or by calling 541-975-2411.
ORA’s COVID-19 Response
After careful consideration of the CDC recommendations, the ORA Board of Directors is taking the following action until further notice in order to limit the spread of COVID-19 and impact on our health system.
ORA will close the physical office at 1112 ½ Adams Ave and conduct business utilizing phone and online conferencing. Staff will work remotely and all work-related travel is suspended.
We will continue to monitor recommendations coming from our public health experts.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Center for Human Development (CHD) La Grande, Oregon
Union County health officials are Closely Monitoring Developments Related to Emerging Respiratory Infection: Covid-19
Call 211 in Oregon, if it is not easy for you to get the information online. They can give you general COVID-19 information.
Request for Board Nominations
Rural Rising - It’s a new year with new opportunities.
Dear ORA Members,
We’re seeking nominations to the Board of Directors. At our Annual Meeting on April 18th, we will be electing 7 at-large Board Directors, thanking Bill Whitaker for his long-time leadership and launching Oregon Rural Action’s next chapter!
Please send nominations by February1, 2020 to You may nominate yourself or another.
Help us build an organization that reflects the diversity of Eastern Oregon’s rural communities, small towns and sovereign tribes.
Mitch Wolgamott
Universal Health Care is Topic of Information Session
Oregon Rural Action’s Health Care Reform Action Team will host a half-hour information session on universal health care prior to its business meeting on Tuesday, October 22 at 6:00 p.m. at the ORA office located at 1112 1/2 Adams Ave. La Grande.
A short film, Canadian Healthcare; Debunking the Myths, will be the featured presentation followed by discussion. HCRAT members who attended the 2019 National Single-Payer Strategy Conference will also be on hand to share highlights from the conference. Everyone is welcome. The business meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.